This is my photography blog. In recent years I've noticed that I tend to go through phases in which I don't shoot as often as I would like, resulting in a feeling of self-doubt as a photographer and a dwindling spirit. So I've created this in an effort to push myself and challenging myself, and, in general, just play around with my camera a bit more. My hope is that I will not only become a better, more creative photographer, but that the passion I once had for this art will be reignited.

The Project:

The Project: 31 Days of May
Objective: Take a picture, every day for one month, following these prompts.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Week Two: Reflecting

It's Memorial Day weekend. 
What better way to honor it than reflect in the names of those who have given their lives serving their country?

photo taken at Vietnam Memorial in Washington, DC

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Week One: Happy Birthday to Me!

It's my birthday.
I am 27 years old. Today.
(ok, technically as i'm writing this, it was YESTERDAY)
Waiting in a park,
in (probably) my favorite city
for my friends to get off work,
so we can eat cupcakes and drink beer.
That is how I spent my birthday.

 photo taken in Portland, OR

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Kaeley & Tristan

Almost 5 years ago, when I was living in Portland, I met Tristan through a mutual friend. We kept in touch over the years, even after I moved to Montana, and though I've only had the pleasure of meeting Kaeley just a few times, it is obvious to see just how much they care for each other. Last year, when Tristan asked me to photograph his wedding I was honored, excited, and terrified (having never actually shot a wedding on my own before). When their big day came I was extremely nervous, but my anxiety was quelled by the fact that Tristan and Kaeley had faith in me to capture one of the most important days of their lives.
 Thank you, Kaeley & Tristan, for allowing me to be apart of your beautiful day. Congratulations, I wish you happiness and harmony in the years to come!